Deviant Defiance

Deviant Defiance
April 2021

Deviant Defiance is a 2D, platformer/shooter prototype that takes place in a post-apocalyptic world, where a survivor with just a crossbow must fight the abhorrent horrors known as Bloodhounds in order to survive and come out on top. This game is built using C# and Unity with the assets being created in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.

This project was a big independent capstone and served as the "final" for my
2D Animation and Asset Production course. A big component of this project is all the 2D art and assets were made and implemented by hand.

This project heavily tested my ability to create 2D assets and sprites as well as my ability to create sprite sheets for the animations of said sprites. I am incredibly proud of the game trailer that plays before the game because it combined my skills in 2D art, video production, editing, as well as sound production. I am also proud of the pixel art because I think they came out really cool and it was exactly how I pictured it in my mind! Overall, I learned a lot from this project in terms of 2D asset production and what goes into planning and sketching out large volumes of art for projects such as these.