Sharks and Minnows

Sharks and Minnows

September 2021

In this 3D project, I created a plane populated by Fish and Sharks, which extends from a base Vehicle class. The fish and sharks are contained within this plane. The sharks will try to catch the closest fish to them, while the fishes will flee from any sharks within 5 Unity units from them, or randomly wander if they are not in range. The sharks and fishes are modeled from prefabs utilizing talented creators on the Unity asset store.

This project was for my Interactive Media Development class, where we used C# and Unity in order to create a 3D, humans versus zombies replica to practice and elaborate on the skills we learned in class. Every single entity in the game utilizes obstacle avoidance and will not get close to the obstacles in the game, modeled as rocks. In addition, there is a custom purple shark that the player controls using WASD. Whenever the player or another shark consumes a fish, they get bigger and faster. When there are no fish left, the shark with the most fish eaten wins. This will be obviously shown because the winning shark will be scaled to a gargantuan size to make its dominance known!

This assignment taught me how to
utilize seeking, fleeing, pursuit, evasion, separation, boundary checking, collision detection (specifically AABB), wandering, player input, obstacle avoidance, and Reynold's concepts for weighting forces.